
The writer is a science commentator
In 2022, Bass Rock, a volcanic outcrop off the Scottish coast that houses the world’s largest colony of northern gannets, became a graveyard. Thousands of gannets were wiped out by a bird flu now thought to have killed millions of wild birds worldwide and devastated poultry flocks.
2022年,位于苏格兰海岸外的火山岩石巴斯岩(Bass Rock),世界上最大的北方鲣鸟群落的家园,变成了一片鸟类墓地。一种鸟类流感导致数以千计的鲣鸟死亡,据现在的认知,这种流感已经在全球范围内导致数百万只野生鸟类死亡,并对家禽群体造成了毁灭性的打击。
Highly pathogenic avian influenza, or HPAI, became a zombie scourge that, unlike seasonal predecessors, never really disappeared. The virus that causes it, H5N1, has since jumped into species including mink, sea lions, dolphins, porpoises, otters and cats — and now cattle.
As of Monday, nine US states had reported outbreaks in dairy cattle. One dairy worker in Texas has also tested positive. Viral fragments have been found in the country’s milk supply. Now, a US genomic analysis suggests a variant known as has been spreading silently in cattle for months, perhaps since December.
The virus does not usually pass from human to human but its undetected march into new mammalian hosts is not to be taken lightly, given that every infection offers the chance to mutate. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the risk to public health is low but it is preparing for the possibility that the flu becomes more transmissible between people. Now is not a time for paranoia but there is a case for extreme vigilance.
这种病毒通常不会在人与人之间传播,但它在未被发现的情况下进入新的哺乳动物宿主,这一点不容小觑,因为每一次感染都有机会发生变异。美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)表示,对公众健康的风险很低,但它正在为流感在人与人之间传播的可能性做准备。现在不是疑神疑鬼的时候,但有理由保持高度警惕。
Exactly how bird flu made the leap into cattle is unclear. Birds shed the virus orally, nasally and through their urine and faeces; cows could have ingested contaminated feed or water. Scientists believe the virus then spread between cows through mechanical methods, such as shared milking machines, rather than through the air. According to the UK government, this strain is not circulating in Europe.
The World Health Organization has expressed “great concern” and advised caution. Paul Digard, an influenza virologist at the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh University, told me this week that the threat level had risen: “Firstly, cow infections with avian flu on this scale is something new; what else has the virus ‘learnt’ to do with this latest round of genetic changes? Secondly, infecting dairy cows offers more opportunities to infect humans.”
世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)对此表示“极度关注”,并建议采取谨慎行动。爱丁堡大学(Edinburgh University)罗斯林研究所(Roslin Institute)的流感病毒学家保罗•迪加德(Paul Digard)本周告诉我,威胁级别已经提升:“首先,这种规模的牛感染禽流感是新的现象;在这最新一轮的基因变化中,病毒还学到了什么新的能力?其次,感染奶牛为感染人类提供了更多的可能性。”
The US Food and Drug Administration advises against consuming raw (unpasteurised) milk products, to guard against pathogens such as salmonella and E-coli; H5N1 is now also on the list. The odds of becoming infected by drinking pasteurised milk is deemed very low, given that testing so far shows no live infectious virus in the samples.
However, the presence of virus fragments in pasteurised milk points to the possibility of asymptomatic infected cows, meaning the virus could be spreading under the radar. The US Department of Agriculture, which has banned infected cattle from crossing state borders, has been urged to scale up testing.
The infected dairy worker had conjunctivitis rather than respiratory symptoms; avian flu viruses struggle to latch on effectively to receptors in the human upper respiratory tract. But if the virus can get in, perhaps through high doses, it can be lethal: since 1997, H5N1 has killed about half of the roughly 900 people infected with it.
One concern is “reassortment”: when two flu viruses circulating in the same infected animal swap genetic material. “H5N1 in pigs would be a very large, exceedingly red flag”, Digard warns, “given the frequency with which humans and pigs have exchanged [flu] viruses over the last 100 years.” The respiratory tracts of pigs show similarities to ours, meaning that a swine-adapted flu virus might not require many changes to threaten us.
The world is reasonably adept at dealing with seasonal flu, with global surveillance and an infrastructure for producing seasonal flu vaccines matched to circulating strains. There are also antivirals. But pandemic flu, especially caused by an animal virus to which humans have zero immunity, is a different prospect.
There are existing, pre-authorised pandemic preparedness vaccines that can be adapted in a hurry, including ones from GSK and AstraZeneca targeting H5N1. Once the exact pandemic strain is identified, it can be included for production and further approval.
Interestingly, the CDC has now shared the candidate vaccine virus with manufacturers. How quickly things can move from here is another question — one that deserves an answer sooner rather than later.