长寿时代的对策 Countermeasures in the age of longevity - FT中文网

长寿时代的对策 Countermeasures in the age of longevity


D. Countermeasures in the age of longevity


The age of longevity comprises a major issue in the future development of mankind, and finding ways to deal with the challenges that this era will bring and to free it from poverty and disease is a global issue facing humanity as a whole, even affecting the direction of our future development, and survival. The age of longevity and the eras of health and wealth which will come with it will affect individuals not only in their old age, but also their life planning across their entire life cycle. Replanning an individual’s arrangements across their entire life cycle in the age of longevity will allow them to more effectively meet the challenges of the age of longevity, and this is an issue which society at large, government and companies must take into consideration.


1. At the social level, individual needs will need to be met in the age of longevity through changes in the industrial structure.


The individual is the basic unit of society, and in the age of longevity, individual needs will take on new characteristics. In the industrial era, people often divided their lives into three stages: an education phase, an employment phase, and a retirement phase. With the onset of the age of longevity, life will still consist of multiple stages rather than a single linear dimension of the industrial era (Lynda Gratton et al., 2018). With the extension of their life spans and the changes in their life stages, individuals will need to re-examine their life paths in a context of longevity, and re-plan their accumulation and consumption of human capital and wealth. In this context, individual needs will take on three characteristics. The first is a need for health, so as to effectively prolong their quality of life, and to ensure sufficient vitality to face the life stage changes rather than squander this longer life in a state of weakness and illness. The second is a need for finance and pensions, in order to reserve more funds for the expected increase in lifespan, maintain financial stability, and meet old age and health needs, so as to enjoy a high-quality life in the context of longevity. The third is a need to acquire new knowledge and skills. The knowledge and skills required to sustain one’s livelihood in the age of longevity will continue to change, and lifelong learning and the mastery of new skills over time will be required in order to accumulate wealth for a longer lifespan. These changes in personal needs pose challenges to all of our existing socio-economic, political, cultural, educational and employment structures.


Changes in personal needs will drive the social and industrial structure from an industrial to a post-industrial era. In this regard, China can learn from the experiences of many developed countries which are undergoing this transition. According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, as we enter the 21st century, the proportion of services-related tertiary industries in the economy has increased. In 1869, agriculture accounted for close to 40% of US GDP; by 2013, this was a mere 1%. In contrast to agriculture, the share of the service sector in the economy has risen, from 40% in 1929 to approximately 65% in 2013. Similarly to this trend, the three core personal needs of the age of longevity all correspond with high-end industries in today’s service sector. In future, the growth rates of longevity-related health, pensions and education industries and their associated technology and R&D industries will be significantly higher than the average.


2. At the government level, it is necessary to improve the social security system, promote healthcare supply-side reforms, and guide the transformation of the longevity economy and changes in individual behaviour


Faced with the onset of the age of longevity, the financing and payment of the social security system will face even greater challenges. The government could take appropriate measures to ensure the sustainablity of the social security system, such as postponing the retirement age of workers, increasing the number of years required for social security contributions, or raising the social security funding quota. At the same time, the government should adapt the social security system to the changes brought about by the age of longevity, for example by optimising the proportion of the three pension pillars, developing the third pillar, personal pensions, or encouraging long-term general pensions to conduct market-oriented investments. At the same time, medical insurance funds should be spent properly, in order to improve the effectiveness of chronic disease management, and establish a broad-coverage, long-term care mechanism. In addition to maintaining the sustainability and efficiency of the basic social security system, the government should work to reduce supply-side costs in the age of longevity, employing a variety of policies to guide and encourage the expansion of the supply of medical and nursing services, to fully utilise the role of the market, and to plug any gaps in pension and healthcare services. The government could also reduce the supply-side construction and operating costs of medical and nursing services through land and taxation policies, and price concessions for the consumption of basic necessities such as water, electricity and gas. It could further relax access to establish healthcare services and pension institutions for social capital, and expand investment and financing channels for the medical and nursing industries. The government could also enhance the market-based supervision and establish a system of standards for medical and nursing operations services, and call for equal development and support policies for social and public providers of medical and nursing services. Simultaneously, the government should continue to guide insurance and financial sector to further its payment and product systems, and effectively promote the consumption of health and eldercare services, so that providers can achieve the momentum for continuous, innovative development while at the same time meeting the service needs of the age of longevity. In addition, the government should encourage the education and Internet industries to provide platforms which are more suited to people’s multi-level vocational education, interest-oriented learning and social exchange needs in the age of longevity.


At the economic policy level, as we have seen above, in order to mitigate the impact of population ageing on the economy, the government should not only continue to support and encourage technological upgrading. It should also forcefully drive the development of the longevity economy, create new jobs, increase employment flexibility, and provide the necessary conditions for the elderly to continue to participate in economic activity and create social value. This would provide the basis for a comprehensive stimulus of the diverse needs of the elderly population, and improve the quality of the transformation of the industrial structure as well as its adaptability to the age of longevity.


Finally, the government should actively guide individuals to modify their knowledge and behaviour, so that individuals can plan their longevity lifestyles more proactively. The onset of the age of longevity is irreversible. The government can expand educational and publicity efforts, help the population to gain a clearer understanding of the onset of this new era and the challenges that individuals will have to face, and encourage individuals to continue to accumulate human capital, as well as embark on their wealth planning at an earlier stage. As we mentioned earlier, in the age of longevity, an individual’s life will no longer be a single linear dimension – individuals will have much greater flexibility, in educational, professional and other areas. In this regard, the government will need to consider more flexible models of social governance and policy making, to help individuals to complete the transition necessary for a non-linear life, and to improve their adaptability.


3. At the corporate level, the transformation of business model and organisation must be accelerated in order to meet the challenges of the age of longevity

作为国民经济的细胞、市场经济活动的主要参与者,企业在长寿时代能够发挥的作用对社会、政府和个人来说都具有重要意义,同时企业未来的发展也必将受到长寿时代的影响,长寿时代正是企业解决突出矛盾、满足人民群众对美好生活的向往、创造核心价值的时代。长寿时代的社会需求以老龄人口的需求为基础,老人的需求将不仅仅是维持生存,而是实现自己的愿景,企业必须深刻了解这一需求变化,在商业上进行创新。哈佛大学的管理学者克莱顿·克里斯坦森(Clayton Christensen)于1997年提出了颠覆性创新理论,指出颠覆性创新就是用更简单、更便宜、比现有技术更可信赖和更方便的技术去争取胜利(克莱顿·克里斯坦森,2014)。为了满足长寿时代老人的需求,企业需要不断降低成本,使得面向老人的产品和服务更方便和实惠。举例来说,美国养老社区的发展,就遵从了这样一个创新原则,如“太阳城”,通过出售老年人可以贷款购买的大型养老社区住宅,把高尔夫俱乐部变成老人的日常的生活,开启了美国对积极退休生活的消费(Trolander,2011)。目前,新一代的养老社区正在把消费型的社区变成一个小型的长寿经济体,既通过规模化、集约化的方式满足老年人的基础性和发展性消费,又鼓励老人发挥银发智力继续创作与生产,这大大降低了高品质长寿生活的成本。

As the living cells of a nation’s economy and the main participants in market economic activities, companies can play an extremely significant role with regard to society, government and the individual in the age of longevity. At the same time, the future development of a business will also necessarily be impacted by the age of longevity, and this era will be the one in which businesses resolve their outstanding contradictions, satisfy the population’s desire for a better life, and create core values. Social needs in the age of longevity will be based on the needs of the elderly population, and the elderly will need not only to survive, but also make their own vision a reality. Companies will need to gain a profound understanding of this change in needs, and ensure that they innovate in their business. Clayton Christensen, a management scholar at Harvard University, first proposed the theory of disruptive innovation in 1997, pointing out that disruptive innovation is achieving your objective using simpler, easier technologies which are more reliable and more convenient than those presently available (Clayton Christensen, 2014). In order to meet the needs of the elderly in the age of longevity, enterprises will need to continue to reduce their costs, and make products and services for the elderly more convenient and affordable. To give just one example, the development of elder care communities in the US has adopted innovative principles of its kind. In one example, Sun City have made the golf club an everyday destination for pensioners by selling homes in large-scale elder care communities which the elderly can purchase with a mortgage, introducing the consumer concept of active retirement to the USA (Trolander, 2011). Today, this new generation of retirement communities is turning consumer-oriented communities into small-scale, long-lived economic entities, which not only meet the basic and developmental consumption of the elderly through scalability and intensive methods, but also encourage the elderly to make use of their silver-haired wisdom to continue to create and produce, greatly reducing the cost of high-quality, longevity living.


We believe that sharing and the ecology will become a new form of organisation for businesses in response to changing needs and supply-side innovation. In order to meet the challenges of the age of longevity, businesses in the age of longevity will need to establish sharing mechanisms to stimulate organisational vitality and improve organisational efficiency. Businesses in the industrial era have become accustomed to standardised, process-oriented working mechanisms which are easy to implement and manage. With the advent of the age of longevity, however, a multi-stage life will allow people to work and live more flexibly, and this flexibility will be difficult to meet for traditional businesses with process-oriented, standardised and predictable requirements. In order to adapt to this change, the internal forms of businesses themselves will also need to be flexible enough to adapt to the more diverse personal vocational development needs of the future. Enterprises’ traditional employment models will transform into partnership models, and benefit-sharing mechanisms will be established to allow members to find a sense of belonging and value, and reflect an entrepreneurial spirit, thus maximising enthusiasm and creativity. At the same time, because of the pillar-shaped population age structure of the age of longevity, the population will be evenly distributed throughout each age group, and needs within and between different age groups will tend to diversify, which will lead to a reduction in market concentration and a diversification of market demand. In the face of market changes, only businesses which establish an industrial ecology system will be able to satisfy the diverse needs of customers in the age of longevity. In the age of longevity, the convenience provided by information technology will mean that traditional large-scale businesses will very likely be surrounded by greater numbers of specialised businesses in small or sophisticated subsectors. These large-scale enterprises will create an ecological system incorporating ever-increasing numbers of small enterprises in order to meet future challenges.


We note that in comparison with other enterprises, commercial insurance companies have a unique advantage when participating in the construction of an industrial system in the age of longevity. Insurance is a financial services industry, yet it is also a livelihood industry, having natural connections with eldercare and health industries. On the one hand, commercial insurance companies can solve the long-term pension and health funding needs of different levels of customer through the accumulation of different types of insurance funds. On the other, commercial insurance companies in the age of longevity are able to act not only as the disburser of personal and family medical care payments, but also as product providers to corporate- and government-sponsored and pension and health insurance plans. Furthermore, they could become powerful promoters of innovative development in the medical, pensions and healthcare services industries. By leveraging the long-term, stable nature of insurance funds, long-term investment by commercial insurance companies to support the development of eldercare real estate and healthcare industry could not only resolve the aforementioned issues regarding the financing of industrial development, but could also bring about the diversification of insurance fund investment. Furthermore, this extension of the insurance industry chain establishes an industrial ecology and achieves synergies.


China is currently ushering in the age of longevity, and the country’s leading insurance companies are all to various degrees seeking their own business solutions. Taikang Insurance Group Inc. has, over 23 years of operational practice, gradually changed, transformed and remodelled itself from a traditional life insurance company into an ecological system of Big Health, seeking out a range of corporate solutions which meet the needs and challenges of the age of longevity. This case is representative to a certain degree, and the industry has gradually followed suit, such that it is now a study case at the Harvard Business School (7), and we will take a closer look at it here. Taikang Insurance Group Inc. was established in 1996, and has since developed into a major insurance and financial services group covering three core businesses: insurance, asset management and healthcare. The company was the first pilot enterprise in the insurance industry to invest in elderly care communities on a nationwide scale, establishing a network of elderly care communities distributed across 19 key cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, making it one of China’s largest high-quality eldercare chain businesses. In line with their integrated concept of healthcare, these elderly care communities incorporate rehabilitation facilities providing rehabilitation and geriatric care. Focusing on the theme of the age of longevity, the company has constructed a ecological system of Big Health by creating three closed loops: longevity, health and affluence. Here, longevity refers to a closed loop of life insurance and eldercare services, in which customers purchase life insurance and annuity insurance, so that they can enjoy their old age in eldercare communities; health refers to a closed loop of health insurance and health-care services, in which customers purchase health insurance coverage, and receive diagnostic and other medical services within the healthcare system; and affluence refers to a closed loop comprising pension and asset management, in which customers purchase a range of wealth management products in order to ensure that their wealth is preserved and appreciates, thus protecting their own healthcare and eldercare needs. We believe that through payment plus services, combined with intermediate investments to accumulate time value, Taikang’s business model constructs an all-new dimension unlike its traditional insurance competitors, providing it with a competitive advantage.


From a business model perspective, the essence of this innovation is its convenience and affordability. Faced with the challenges of the age of longevity, Taikang has combined insurance with physical healthcare, and uses an exclusive annuity insurance product, “Happiness Guide”, together with guaranteed admittance to an eldercare community, thus providing customers with sufficient funds to cover their future longevity. In addition, high-quality eldercare community resources are also locked in in advance, establishing a link between the insurance customer and the eldercare service. On this basis, Taikang further proposes a four-in-one full-lifecycle business model, comprising “vibrant elderly care, high-end medical care, outstanding financial management, and end-of-life care”. In terms of physical services, this achieves the integration of the old-age life chain, the aim being to enable the elderly to obtain the highest-quality Kangning healthcare range of services and experience at the lowest cost and with the highest efficiency. At the same time, in order to coordinate the sales and services provided under this business model, the company has created a new career position, of “Health & Wealth Planner (HWP)”. This trinity, of the Happiness Guide range of products, the Taikang Community eldercare communities and Health & Wealth Planner (HWP), effectively satisfy people’s yearning for a better life in this age of longevity. We believe that the improvements in efficiency and the reductions in costs brought about by this Taikang model are reflected in the following ways: first of all, the eldercare communities are elder-friendly in terms of their design (for example, in their use of small apartment designs), while also intensifying construction and operations processes, and the operations chain incorporates economies of scale ranging from brand promotion through to supply chains. All of these factors reflect the essence of business innovation. Secondly, the chain operation of the elderly care communities is conducive to the innovation and application of technologies for the elderly, partly replacing expensive manpower, which helps to further improve efficiency, and provides residents with access to higher quality, more convenient services. Finally, community residents save in advance through the use of Taikang’s insurance products, benefiting from the compound-interest effect, which greatly reduces their financial pressure after they move in. Taikang’s business model will enable greater numbers of middle-class people to afford high-quality old-age living, improve their ability to pay, reduce consumption costs, and more effectively pursue the vision of an age of longevity, which will drive an eldercare revolution.


As a company facing the age of longevity, we have also found that this will have a profound impact on government policy and social development. In recent years, the state has promulgated a series of documents encouraging and supporting insurance enterprises to provide long-term equity financing in the social services sector, to participate in the construction and operation of eldercare institutions, and to lead the reform and development of the medical and nursing fields. For example, in 2020, Opinions on Promoting the Development of Commercial Insurance in the Field of Social Services, promulgated by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission in conjunction with 13 ministries, noted that commercial insurance institutions should be allowed to invest in the establishment of medical institutions providing Traditional Chinese and Western medical services, as well as institutions which provide a combination of rehabilitation, care, medical, nursing and other healthcare services. Insurance funds should be encouraged to cooperate with forms of other social capital to establish eldercare institutions which provide integrated medical and eldercare services, and increase the supply of diversified eldercare services, inter alia. Practice in the Taikang programme and the formulation and promulgation of state policy provide mutual promotion and confirmation. At the social level, Taikang eldercare communities empower society through the provision of longevity services, as they attempt to become a test sector for the longevity economy. On the demand side, the eldercare communities are committed to providing medical services such as health consultancy and management, and also provide high-quality cultural activities and venues for residents to meet in. Science and technology is being applied to create more elder-friendly facilities, and achieve health-focused, culture-oriented, smart elder care. On the supply side, the eldercare communities provide a new platform on which the elderly can apply their abilities and give back to society. Through the provision of distance teaching and the establishment of expertise platforms, inter alia, the accumulated knowledge and experience of these elders continue to guide social production, and to create value.


In summary, the essence of the Taikang programme is to promote an eldercare revolution using commercial methods, and continuously increase efficiency and reduce costs using market economy and business innovation in order to provide an appropriate line of thinking for human society as it enters the age of longevity. This is not only an enterprise solution for the age of longevity, but also a solution which leverages the power of business to promote social and governmental solutions to the challenges of the age of longevity. In the face of the age of longevity wave, China needs more companies to invest in the construction of social livelihood projects, and grow into core backbone Big Health and Big Livelihood businesses.












