David Gardner, FT journalist, 1952-2022 | 大卫•加德纳,FT记者,1952-2022年 - FT中文网

David Gardner, FT journalist, 1952-2022

The Middle East expert was a writer of passion and integrity, renowned for his lucid prose during his 44 years on the paper
David Gardner, former international affairs editor, Middle East editor and chief leader writer of the Financial Times, who has died suddenly in Dubai at the age of 69, was one of the outstanding international correspondents and commentators of his generation. He also wrote like an angel.
英国《金融时报》前国际事务编辑、中东编辑和首席撰稿人大卫•加德纳(David Gardner)在迪拜突然去世,享年69岁。他是他那一代人中杰出的国际记者和评论员之一。他学富五车,可以像一个天使一样写作。
He combined a conviction of the importance of understanding history with a fascination for political intrigue, an impatience with humbug, a love of telling stories, a passion for good causes, a detestation of dictators and an irrepressible sense of humour. His lucid prose made the most complex subjects, from Middle East politics to the European Common Agricultural Policy, easily intelligible to the uninitiated. In the words of Roula Khalaf, FT editor, he managed to combine the best writing on the paper with “passion and integrity”.
他把对了解历史的重要性的信念与对政治阴谋的迷恋、对虚伪的不耐烦、对讲故事的热爱、对美好事业的热情、对独裁者的厌恶和不可抗拒的幽默感合为一体。他清晰的文字使最复杂的主题,从中东政治到欧洲共同农业政策,都变得容易理解,即使外行也可以轻松阅读他的文章。用FT总编辑鲁拉•哈拉夫(Roula Khalaf)的话说,他成功地将报纸上最好的文字与“激情和正直”相结合。
Born in Brussels, where his father was a British diplomat (although Gardner always carried an Irish passport, thanks to his grandfather), he was sent to Stonyhurst, the British Catholic boarding school, where he was taught by Jesuit priests. The teaching marked him for life. “The Jesuits taught us a sense of human solidarity, and an openness to the world,” according to Jimmy Burns, a school contemporary and fellow FT correspondent. They also instilled an intellectual rigour and analytical capacity Gardner never lost.
他出生在布鲁塞尔,他的父亲是一名英国外交官(由于他的祖父,加德纳一直持有爱尔兰护照),他被送到英国天主教寄宿学校史东赫斯特(Stonyhurst),在那里他接受了耶稣会牧师的教育。这种教学给他留下了终生的烙印。“耶稣会教给我们一种人类团结的意识,以及对世界的开放态度,”与他同时代的同学、FT记者吉米•伯恩斯(Jimmy Burns)表示。他们还向加德纳灌输了一种严谨的智力和分析能力,加德纳从未失去过这种能力。
He won a place at Oxford to read English, and found ample time to throw himself into leftwing causes. He found a common interest in Christian socialism and a spiritual mentor (Anglican priest Peter Thomson) with another very political contemporary: Tony Blair, the future Labour prime minister. “We spent many, many hours in intense political discussion and debate,” says Blair. “He was an extraordinarily reflective, deep-thinking person, always striving to get to the heart of an issue, always, whatever his feelings, seeking objective truth. I learnt a lot from him. It didn’t surprise me that he became a journalist.”
他赢得了在牛津大学攻读英语的机会,并找到了充足的时间投身左翼事业。他与另一位非常热衷于政治的同时代人、未来的工党首相托尼•布莱尔(Tony Blair)在基督教社会主义中发现了共同的兴趣,两人还找到了一位共同精神导师:英国国教牧师彼得•汤姆森(Peter Thomson)。“我们花了很多很多时间进行激烈的政治讨论和辩论,”布莱尔说。“他是一个特别善于反思、深思熟虑的人,总是努力探究问题的核心,不管自己的感受如何,总是在寻求客观真理。我从他身上学到了很多。他成为一名记者,并不让我感到惊讶。”
According to Burns, Gardner was always determined to work for the FT. Although the Middle East was to become his greatest passion, he began his 44-year career at the newspaper modestly enough in 1978, as a freelance “stringer” in the rebellious regions of Spain. He was sympathetic to their striving for autonomy, but never uncritical.
By 1980, he had made it on to the staff in London, as part of the team launching the FT’s international edition. But he was not a natural desk man. Within five years he had left again to become a “superstringer” in Mexico, where his reports of political corruption, and the increasingly bloody civil wars of Central America, demonstrated style, wit and a view of the story’s wider importance.
Gardner was already winning a reputation for the perceptiveness, courage and clarity of his reporting. His fate was to be sent to Brussels to cover agriculture. “He knew nothing about it when he arrived, but he made himself the greatest expert on milk quotas,” says Lionel Barber, former FT editor, who became Gardner’s bureau chief. “He almost took a delight in mastering all the detail and writing about it.”
加德纳已经以其敏锐的洞察力、勇气和清晰的报道赢得了声誉。他的命运是被派往布鲁塞尔报道农业。FT前一任总编辑、曾担任加德纳分社主管的莱昂内尔•巴伯(Lionel Barber)表示:“他刚来的时候对此一无所知,但他使自己成为牛奶配额方面最伟大的专家。他几乎以掌握所有细节并将其写下来为乐。”
One rival Brussels hack sought to exploit his success. Gardner used to tell how Boris Johnson, as Telegraph correspondent, had once copied whole paragraphs from his FT story the following day. “I accused him of blatant plagiarism,” Gardner said. The future prime minister was unashamed. “Don’t you know we treat the FT as a primary source,” he replied.
他在布鲁塞尔的一个竞争对手试图窃取他的成功。加德纳曾经讲过,时任《每日电讯报》记者、现已成为英国首相的鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)曾在第二天把自己在FT的报道整段整段地抄了下来。“我指责他公然剽窃,”加德纳说。这位未来的首相毫不羞愧。他回答说:“难道你不知道我们把FT当作主要消息来源吗?”
Gardner’s reputation opened the door to the job of FT Middle East editor. It was the perfect fit for someone who was passionate about ideas and people, a place of ancient history and a complex and conflicted present. “He had an intense and unwavering view of the region’s hard power realities, of the sweep of history,” says Andrew Gowers, who did the job himself before becoming FT editor. “In a region where media coverage can seem obsessed by the horrors of the moment or swayed by partisan feelings, David’s vision was unusually steady and his analysis unfailingly reliable.” He was both angry at the abuse of power by so many Arab autocrats, and the failure of Israeli democracy to produce a fairer solution for the Palestinians, and coolly analytical about the consequences.
加德纳的声誉帮助他得到了FT中东编辑一职。对于一个对思想和人充满热情的人来说,这是一个完美的选择,一个有着古老历史和复杂而矛盾的现实的地方。在成为FT总编辑之前曾担任该职位的安德鲁•高尔斯(Andrew Gowers)表示:“他对该地区的硬实力现实和历史的发展有着强烈而坚定的看法。在一个媒体报道似乎被当时的恐怖事件所困扰,或被党派情绪所左右的地区,大卫的视野异常稳定,他的分析始终可靠。”他既对如此之多的阿拉伯独裁者滥用权力感到愤怒,也对以色列民主制度未能为巴勒斯坦人带来更公平的解决方案感到愤怒,同时也冷静地分析了后果。
David Gardner with his wife Samia Nakhoul and their twins Terence and Haya
大卫·加德纳和他的妻子萨米亚·纳库尔(Samia Nakhoul )以及他们的双胞胎特伦斯(Terence)和哈亚(Haya)
His passion and understanding were also influenced by Samia Nakhoul, his brilliant and much-loved second wife, Middle East editor for Reuters, who is mother to their twins Terence and Haya. They survive him, along with his daughter Daniella by a first marriage. The family moved from Beirut to Dubai after their apartment was wrecked in the port explosion in 2020.
他的热情和理解力也受到了萨米亚·纳库尔(Samia Nakhoul )的影响。才华横溢、深受爱戴的萨米亚·纳库尔是他的第二任妻子,担任路透社的中东主编,她是双胞胎特伦斯(Terence)和哈亚(Haya)的母亲。他们,以及大卫在第一次婚姻中的女儿丹妮拉(Daniella)仍然在世。在他们的公寓在2020年的港口爆炸中被毁后,一家人从贝鲁特搬到了迪拜。
In his book Last Chance: The Middle East in the Balance, Gardner summed up his view: “Unless the Arab countries and the broader Middle East can find a way out of this pit of autocracy, their people will be condemned to bleak lives of despair, humiliation and rage for a generation, adding fuel to a roaring fire in what is already the most combustible region in the world.
在《最后的机会:处于平衡中的中东》(Last Chance: The Middle East in the Balance)一书中,加德纳总结了他的观点:“除非阿拉伯国家和更广泛的中东地区能够找到走出这个专制深渊的方法,否则他们的人民将在一代人的时间里注定过着绝望、屈辱和愤怒的凄凉生活,为这个已经是世界上最易燃烧的地区的熊熊大火增添燃料。”
“It will be primarily up to the citizens of these countries to claw their way out of that pit. But the least they can expect from the west is not to keep stamping on their fingers.”
He wrote the book after the war in Iraq, which he had condemned as a disastrous blunder by the US and its allies, including his old friend Blair. What distressed him almost as much as the senseless bloodshed — in which Samia almost lost her life in a US missile attack — was the ignorance of history demonstrated by the western allies and their failure to appreciate the conflict they would aggravate across the region.
“We owe the FT’s opposition to the Iraq war almost entirely to his intellect and moral courage,” says Martin Wolf, FT columnist.
FT专栏作家马丁•沃尔夫(Martin Wolf)表示:“我们把FT对伊拉克战争的反对态度,几乎完全归功于他的智慧和道德勇气。”
His colleagues remember a man who was kind and generous, as well as waspish and witty, a great mentor for young journalists, and quite capable of consuming alarming quantities of Spanish red Rioja before returning to the office to compose a passionate, perfectly written editorial. He will be greatly missed.











